How are you going to expand your life?
Ho are you going to grow?
“You guys are programmed to succeed.
The hardes thing you’re ever going to do in your life is fail at something, and if you don’t start failing at things, you will not live a full life. You’ll be living a cautious life on a path that you know is pretty much guaranteed to more or less work.
That’s not getting the most out of this amazing world we live in. You have to do the hardest thing that you have non been prepared for in this school or any school: You have to be prepared to fail. T
hat’s how you’re going to expand yourself and grow.
As you work through that process of failure and learning, you will really deepen into the human being you’re capable of being.”
Sebastian Junger – Message at a High School
FP&A Analyst. Lettore affamato. Blogger sfrenato. Investitore. Advisor. Hiker. Appassionato di impresa, di investimenti, di strategie di crescita, di turnaround, di storia e di scacchi. Esperto in analisi finanziarie e strategie di impresa, con Master in Controllo di Gestione, Laurea in Economia e Finanza, tra numeri e libri, tra una tazza di caffè e l’altra, leggo, scrivo e mi diverto, aiutando gli altri a realizzare le buone idee.